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Do I have to fill out an assessment form every time I order weight care products?

At Simple Online Pharmacy, we are committed to ensuring that you receive the best treatment for your needs, and as such, this means that we do ask you to fill out a new assessment form each time you place an order for weight care products.

This enables our prescribing team to provide any further information, recommendations or advice as needed, and helps us keep track of your weight loss journey with you too!


If you are re-ordering, we always recommend you log in to your account before starting the assessment form again - some of your answers will be copied over from last time.  This means you will only need to review some of the questions to ensure your answers are the same as before and answer a few questions we require an update on. 

Also, a selfie is not required with every order. Logging in ensures you are only asked to take a new selfie when necessary, rather than with every order.

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