Step 1- Preparation
Prepare the pen and yourself for the injection. Check the medication is not expired, and that it contains the correct dose for you. Pull the cap off the pen and check through the pen window that the liquid is clear and colourless. If the medicine in the pen looks cloudy or coloured, do not use the pen.
Make sure you use a new needle for each time you inject. Each pack will contain 4 needles for each weekly dose.
Our guide to preparing to take the medication is available in this video
Our guide to properly attaching a needle is available here
New Pens
For the first injection of each new pen, you need to check the flow of the pen. This is known as priming the pen. You will receive guidance on how to do this with your medication.
The following guides linked below explain step by step how to prime your pen:
Priming your Mounjaro pen: How to Prime Your Mounjaro Pen for Optimal Use
Priming your Wegovy pen:
It is important to note that the Mounjaro pen is primed prior to every administered dose while the Wegovy pen is only primed before the first dose.
Dose Selection
Ensure you have the right dose. Refer to the pen instructions on how to set up the dose in the pen. Also make sure that you take a note of the day that you administer your injection and what dose it is out of the 4 doses within each pen. This allows us to get accurate information if we need more details and gives you a reminder prompt to ensure you take your medication on time.
Where to Inject
Next, decide where you would like to inject the Wegovy pen. You have a few options here, the upper arm, lower stomach (at least 2 inches/ 5cm away from the belly button) or the front of your thighs (upper legs). The choice is yours here, but we have a few tips for making this easier and more comfortable.
- Most importantly make sure you rotate (change) the injection sites and avoid using the same injection place too often. Do not inject into any area with scars, bruises, stretch marks, hardness or inflammation (red/warm). These tips will help reduce the discomfort significantly and prevent other complications.
- The injection for Wegovy is what’s known as a subcutaneous injection which is a medical way of saying an injection into the fat just under the skin. This means the needle is tiny, only long enough to make it through the top layer of skin. Typically, these hurt much less than other injections. To make these much easier, you can pinch the area gently while you inject creating a nice firm surface. This is particularly useful for the legs and lower stomach areas as opposed to the upper arm.
- Ensure the injection site you choose is clean. You may choose to give the area a wipe with an alcohol swab or wash it with soap and water.
Step 2 – Injecting
Insert the needle into your skin and press and hold the dose button until the dose counter shows 0. Continue to press the button and count slowly for 6 seconds before removing the needle from your skin.
It is a good idea to watch your pen as you inject to ensure that you can see a dose being successfully administered from the pen itself.
Step 3 – Disposing of the Needle
After your injection, put the needle tip into the outer cap (that you removed earlier). Making sure not to touch the needle, push the outer cap completely on. Unscrew the needle and dispose of it carefully.
You must ensure you dispose of it properly to protect yourself and others. To do so you can use a sharps bin, which can be purchased through our website, and dispose of the bin according to the NHS guidelines.
Our comprehensive video guides for injecting your medication are also available:
- Mounjaro video guide: How to Administer Your Weekly Mounjaro Injection: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Wegovy video guide: What to expect with Wegovy | Simple Online Pharmacy